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does the following device provide network alerts and what specifically ids the required power source . We currently use 3 Liebert in rack hvac units, can this or other device be attached directly to save cost and positioning already in place.
Thank you for your inquiry. This device has a local LED light for alarming, but would need to be connected to an alerting device for network alerts.

There are two sets of Form-C dry contacts for connection to a Liebert environmental unit (including Liebert DS, DSE, CW, PDX, Mini-Mate2, or Liebert CRV) and external monitoring panel, remote building management system, or Liebert SiteScan Web.

In terms of power, The LT460 requires a 24 VAC power supply from the Liebert environmental unit or an external source. Depending on what Liebert in-rack HVAC units you are using, the LT460 can be wired directly to the HVAC unit.

If you have further questions, please feel free to reach out to your Server Racks Online representative at 1-866-722-5776 or via our online chat feature to discuss your project in greater detail.
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